jeudi 16 février 2017

Africa has only 9 democratic countries

According to the Democracy Index 2016 Africa has only one “full democracy”, 8 “flawed democracies”, 14 “hybrid” regimes and 27 authoritarian. Four indicators are considered for the classification: electoral process and pluralism; functioning of government; political participation; political culture and civic liberties.   

I decided to share this classification so that anyone can understand who is who in Africa. For more details, read the original classification here.

Full democracy
1.       Mauritius

Flawed democracies
2.       Cape Verde
3.       Botswana
4.       South Africa
5.       Ghana
6.       Lesotho
7.       Tunisia
8.       Namibia
9.       Senegal

Hybrid regimes 
10.   Zambia  
11.   Tanzania
12.   Mali
13.   Benin
14.   Malawi
15.   Kenya  
16.   Liberia  
17.   Uganda
18.   Madagascar  
19.   Morocco  
20.   Burkina Faso
21.   Sierra Leone
22.   Nigeria
23.   Mozambique  

24.   Mauritania
25.   Niger
26.   Cote d’Ivoire
27.   Gabon
28.   Comoros
29.   Ethiopia
30.   Algeria
31.   Cameroon
32.   Angola
33.   Togo
34.   Egypt
35.   Guinea
36.   Rwanda  
37.   Zimbabwe
38.   Swaziland
39.   Congo Brazzaville
40.   Gambia
41.   Djibouti
42.   Burundi
43.   Soudan
44.   Eritrea
45.   Libya
46.   Gunea-Bissau
47.   Democratic Republic of Congo
48.   Equatorial Guinea
49.   Central African Republic
50.   Chad

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